Who’s Qualified to Get an NYC Security Guard License?

A man filling out NYC security guard application form

If you have been thinking about getting your NYC security guard license, you’re not alone. The security industry has been a growth sector for many years, and that trend is expected to continue well into the future. As a result, many people just like you apply for their guard licenses each and every year. Of course, not everyone who wants to be a security guard can meet the strict criteria. To help you ensure that you meet New York City’s security guard requirements, here’s the eligibility criteria you will need to meet.

Technology Solutions or Trained Security Guards in New York: Which Should You Choose?

Technology Solutions vs. Trained Security Guards

Security guards have long played an important role in protecting New York City’s buildings, people, and events. In recent years, however, technology has advanced at a rapid pace. Not surprisingly, that innovation has also had a profound impact on the security services industry. New technological tools for security are developed each year. It’s only natural then for some people to wonder whether they even need trained security guards in New York these days, or if technology can just replace guards altogether. The question is simple: which should you choose?

What to Know When You Need Security Guard Training in Brooklyn

Security Guard Training in Brooklyn

There’s a reason that security guard training in Brooklyn is so in demand these days. The fact is that private security has never been more important for the residents and businesses of New York City. The city’s large population, growing economy, and abundance of riches makes it an attractive target for criminals and other threats. Unfortunately, the police cannot be everywhere, and response to crime is never immediate. The good news Is that private security guards can fill that gap and help protect businesses, events, and other sites that would otherwise be at risk.

Choosing a NYC Security Guard Company: Trust Matters

NYC Security Guard

If you have been considering a NYC security guard company for your protection needs, you’re not alone. After all, in today’s high-risk world, you can’t afford to take chances with your security. Fortunately, a reliable security guard company in New York City can help to alleviate those concerns. However, it’s important to ensure that you hire the right firm for your security needs. And when it comes to choosing a security partner, few things matter more than trust.

Top 4 Reasons to Hire Detectives in New York

A private NYC investigator is making a call

When most people think of detectives in New York City, they usually imagine the city’s official police department. Of course, that’s a natural reaction since police investigators play such a vital role in solving crimes. However, private detectives also have an important role in helping the city’s residents get the answers they need. Here are the top four reasons why you might want to hire private detectives in New York.

Key Considerations When You Hire Bodyguards in NYC

Celebrity and bodyguard in a limo

If you’re one of the many people who are looking to hire bodyguards in NYC, it’s important to make sure that you get the right protection. While it might be tempting to just hire the first large man you see to scare off potential threats, that would be a mistake. The simple truth is that there are many things to consider before hiring a bodyguard. So, before you get your own executive protection, make sure you consider the following issues.

The Vital Role Your NYC Security Company Plays in Assessing Risk

CCTV camera used by a NYC Security Company

Today, companies and organizations are increasingly turning to top NYC security company personnel to secure their persons and properties. And with good reason. The world continues to become ever more complex, and new threats and risks are emerging with each passing day. Unfortunately, risk is unavoidable, as threats can never be completely eliminated. However, New York City security companies can help to minimize those risks, and that process begins with an effective and accurate risk assessment.

Securing Your Future with Security Guard Training in Brooklyn

Security Guard Training in a class

Security guard training in Brooklyn can be one of the best ways to pave a path toward future career success. The security industry is growing with each passing year, and that trend is expected to continue well into the future. As a result, the industry offers more opportunities for security officers than ever. In addition, aspiring guard candidates can choose from a variety of career options. Depending on your goals, security training can be a vital part of your short and long-term success.

The Best Security Guard Companies in New York City Rely on Cutting-Edge Technologies

Security guard using mobile device to report

To keep up with rapidly evolving innovations and emerging threats, top security guard companies in NYC have worked to keep pace with technological changes. The reality is that technology never remains static for long. And while many of technologies can create new risks and threats, others provide new opportunities for countering bad actors. The best security companies are adept at incorporating cutting-edge technologies into their security solutions. Here are three ways your security guard company’s reliance on technology can benefit you.

Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Effective Fire and Life Safety Director?

Effective Fire and Life Safety Director

Fire safety is a major concern in New York City, and it requires more than just rapid response from firefighters. In a city as large as NYC, protecting lives and property requires a coordinated effort by professional firefighters, emergency responders, and on-site fire safety experts. In fact, the Fire and Life Safety Director’s job is a critical part of preventing or responding to fires in buildings throughout the city. If you’ve been considering a job in this vital field, however, it’s important to understand just a few of the traits all effective fire and life safety directors share.

August 10th, 2022

Property Security Evaluation Report

Your Individualized Property Evaluation Report

Your site’s individualized property evaluation report contains information and analysis that you need to properly manage your site’s security needs. That information includes detailed analysis of the crime rate in your area, site access and parking protocols, and existing security infrastructure. Interior inspection includes analysis of emergency exits, fire suppression capabilities, and alarm infrastructure for emergencies. Exterior inspection includes analysis of structural defects, property lighting, and potential vulnerabilities in building access.

In addition to those inspections, our analysis also considered environmental factors, potential risks from older trees, outside property maintenance, and nearby crime that may overflow to the area. We also examined emergency response planning, including fire evacuation protocols and information supplied to residents about proper evacuation process.


Pressing Suggestions

We highly suggest a camera placement along this driveway, as the overhead cameras in the back parking lot may not capture all makes, models, and license plates of cars entering in and out based on the angle they are recording from. The best camera placement would be at the green circle closest to the sidewalk/street.
The common area is easily accessible, but based on the angle that cameras are set at the front lot, anyone can enter the basement common area concealing the side of their face that is facing the camera. This is not to say that the camera arrangement should be changed, but it is highly recommended to have coverage in this common area as the common area is on a lower floor not visible from the sidewalk.

However, a few fundamental problems exist when it comes to access control of the back parking (a big territory). Even though only two issues have ever occurred there, the wide-open access point to that lot may need to be corrected sooner than later as there is a significant uptick in crime in the 62nd precinct.

Furthermore, there are two fundamental surveillance blind spots along the driveway leading to the back parking lot and every common area.

Lastly, however unlikely it may seem, tenants should have resources and a physical guide for situations that may require an evacuation. Whether it be a flood or fire, each tenant should know how to use a fire extinguisher and where to evacuate to during a flood regardless of their proximity to a shoreline.

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