NYC Concealed Carry for Non-Residents: A Comprehensive Guide

Non-Resident Concealed Carry in New York

Recent changes in New York’s gun laws have opened new possibilities for non-residents seeking concealed carry permits. This guide provides essential information for out-of-state visitors interested in obtaining a New York concealed carry license.

Renewing Your Concealed Carry Permit in New York City

NYC CCW Renewal in 2024

In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where personal safety is a top priority, maintaining a valid concealed carry permit is crucial for those who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights. The process of renewing your concealed carry permit, often referred to as a CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon) permit, is a critical responsibility for permit holders. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the renewal process, ensuring you’re well-prepared to maintain your legal status as a concealed carry permit holder in NYC.

Navigating Sensitive Locations for Concealed Carry in NYC

Sensitive Locations for Concealed Carry in NYC

In the wake of the landmark Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association vs. Bruen, New York’s concealed carry landscape has undergone significant changes. One of the most crucial aspects for concealed carry permit holders to understand is the concept of “sensitive locations.” This comprehensive guide will delve into what constitutes a sensitive location, the legal implications of carrying in these areas, and how to navigate the complex web of restrictions in New York.

How Your Armed Security License Can Benefit You in 2024

A man is holding his armed security license

While the past two years have been more than a little challenging for all of us, there is every reason to believe that the future will continue to be bright as this present chaos recedes into memory. And though job opportunities have been sparse in recent months due to business lockdowns, that too is expected to change as the economy continues to reopen in the months to come. Of course, as those businesses reopen in the midst of ongoing turmoil, security will be a major concern for many companies. So, if you have been thinking about a career as a security guard, there has never been a better time to pursue your armed security license.

Business Owners and Concealed Carry in NYC During the Covid-19 Pandemic

New York carry handgun permit and a hand gun

If you are a business owner who has considered getting a permit for concealed carry in NYC to help protect your assets, it is important to recognize the challenge that lies ahead. Though official statistics have been difficult to obtain, recent estimates suggest that only a few thousand New Yorkers have been given the necessary permits. Most of those are apparently security guards, retired law enforcement officials, and celebrities – as well as business owners who can demonstrate a need to carry.

NYC Security Guard Gun Permit: 3 Reasons You Should Get Your Pistol Permit

NYC Security Guard armed training

If you have already made the decision to pursue a career as a New York City security guard, congratulations. The security industry is a growing sector with plenty of opportunities for advancement. However, if you want to ensure that you have the widest range of opportunities, you may want to also consider qualifying to become an armed security guard. Of course, that will require you to take some additional training courses to earn your NYC security guard gun permit, but there are advantages to doing so. In fact, here are three important reasons why you should consider getting your pistol permit.

Do All Security Guards Need Firearm Training?

Firearm range training

When you’re considering a career in the security guard industry, it’s important to consider all your options. After all, there are many different kinds of security guard jobs and they don’t all require the same level of training. Different types of security needs require different types of solutions. Consider firearms, for example. Some might assume that all guards are qualified to carry firearms as they go about the business of protecting lives and property. But is that assumption accurate?

August 10th, 2022

Property Security Evaluation Report

Your Individualized Property Evaluation Report

Your site’s individualized property evaluation report contains information and analysis that you need to properly manage your site’s security needs. That information includes detailed analysis of the crime rate in your area, site access and parking protocols, and existing security infrastructure. Interior inspection includes analysis of emergency exits, fire suppression capabilities, and alarm infrastructure for emergencies. Exterior inspection includes analysis of structural defects, property lighting, and potential vulnerabilities in building access.

In addition to those inspections, our analysis also considered environmental factors, potential risks from older trees, outside property maintenance, and nearby crime that may overflow to the area. We also examined emergency response planning, including fire evacuation protocols and information supplied to residents about proper evacuation process.


Pressing Suggestions

We highly suggest a camera placement along this driveway, as the overhead cameras in the back parking lot may not capture all makes, models, and license plates of cars entering in and out based on the angle they are recording from. The best camera placement would be at the green circle closest to the sidewalk/street.
The common area is easily accessible, but based on the angle that cameras are set at the front lot, anyone can enter the basement common area concealing the side of their face that is facing the camera. This is not to say that the camera arrangement should be changed, but it is highly recommended to have coverage in this common area as the common area is on a lower floor not visible from the sidewalk.

However, a few fundamental problems exist when it comes to access control of the back parking (a big territory). Even though only two issues have ever occurred there, the wide-open access point to that lot may need to be corrected sooner than later as there is a significant uptick in crime in the 62nd precinct.

Furthermore, there are two fundamental surveillance blind spots along the driveway leading to the back parking lot and every common area.

Lastly, however unlikely it may seem, tenants should have resources and a physical guide for situations that may require an evacuation. Whether it be a flood or fire, each tenant should know how to use a fire extinguisher and where to evacuate to during a flood regardless of their proximity to a shoreline.

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