If you’re a business owner, chances are that you have some type of strategy in place to deal with a host of potential emergencies. Unfortunately, it’s also likely that your strategy is ill-equipped to help you deal with an active shooter situation. After all, your typical strategies – careful hiring, sound training, good policies, and proper management – may be useful in most emergencies, but they’re inadequate for any sudden, unforeseen act of mass violence at your location.
The FBI defines an active shooter as any individual who is “actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.” While the media often focuses attention on the more sensational school shootings, business locations are often just as or more vulnerable to these attacks. As a business owner, you need to be able to protect your employees and customers from any potential incident involving active shooters. Competent security professionals can help you achieve that goal.
Ideally, the best option is to protect your business with professional security guards who have the training and experience needed to quickly respond to these types of threats. And since part of a guard’s training involves learning how to identify and address potential risks, their presence can often help you take active measures that will decrease the likelihood of such an attack.
Unfortunately, there will always be companies that cannot maintain a private security presence, for one reason or another. The good news, however, is that security experts can help those businesses as well. They can assist with the creation of useful response strategies, train your personnel on what to do when these situations occur, and teach you how to conduct effective active shooter drills to ensure that your team has the confidence needed to execute your strategy. In addition, there are surveillance options, access control measures, and other techniques that can help to better protect your business location.
At ISS, our security experts are always here to help New York City’s citizens and businesses protect themselves from a host of threats and dangers. Our security guards are among the best the industry has to offer, and fully committed to the protection of both life and property. Our security consultations are also without peer, and can provide the advice, technical expertise, and strategic planning you need to protect yourself against active shooter incidents. To learn more, contact International Security Services today – New York City’s dedicated security experts.