NYC Security Guard

Choosing a NYC Security Guard Company: Trust Matters

If you have been considering a NYC security guard company for your protection needs, you’re not alone. After all, in today’s high-risk world, you can’t afford to take chances with your security. Fortunately, a reliable security guard company in New York City can help to alleviate those concerns. However, it’s important to ensure that you hire the right firm for your security needs. And when it comes to choosing a security partner, few things matter more than trust.

New York Security Companies: Who Can You Trust?

The reality is that it’s hard to know who to trust these days. As a rule, most security company operators are fairly reliable and committed to providing top-notch protection for their clients. Most try to follow through on their promises. Still, it’s important to properly evaluate your security options to ensure that you hire a truly trustworthy firm. But what does trust look like in this instance?

3 Things to Avoid When You’re Choosing a Security Provider

First, let’s take a look at the three things you should avoid when you’re attempting to find a security firm for your protection needs. Any of these three common mistakes could leave you wishing you’d picked a different firm. Always avoid:

  • Companies with Questionable Reputations. Obviously, you should never hire a company that has a bad track record and a lousy reputation. But in this case, there’s more to it than that. If you’re struggling to gather information about a security firm in New York, then you have a right to be skeptical. Generally, you should be able to find reviews for reputable firms, and they should be able to provide references. If that’s not the case, then you may want to keep looking.
  • Any Firm that Provides Below-Market Bids. There’s nothing wrong with competitive project bids, but if the bid is too low then you should probably wonder why. It costs money to provide proper security, and anyone who says differently is lying. And the best security can cost even more. So, while you should try to find the most competitive price, don’t get excited about a bid that seems way too good to be true. Chances are that it is.
  • An Agency that Doesn’t Prioritize Prevention. This one is a big one. Naturally, you want a company that knows how to react when incidents occur. But if that’s their priority, then it’s a good bet that they’re not focused on prevention. The best security companies prioritize incident prevention. They work to develop strategies that decrease risk and deter crime or other bad events. If the company you’re considering isn’t focused on preventing problems before they occur, that could be a problem once you hire them.

Truly great security firms will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your protection needs. That analysis will specifically look for ways to minimize risk and prevent incidents. They’ll also develop a thorough plan to meet those needs, complete with verifiable processes and reporting. In addition, they will select the right team of officers to provide security, properly train them for your project, and conduct ongoing monitoring. And above all else, their goal will be to provide true security focused on prevention.

3 Vital Characteristics You Need to Look For

With those three potential problems in mind, let’s examine the three things you should be looking for in a good security company. Each of these three characteristics is shared by all the top New York security companies. As a result, they should be key considerations during your security firm selection process:

  • A Commitment to Accountability. Accountability is a core component of any trusting relationship. Before you hire any security firm, be certain that their personnel, strategies, and systems are designed for maximum accountability. The best NYC security firms use state-of-the-art technology to provide rapid reporting, real-time monitoring, and effective communication for their clients. If you’re considering a company that doesn’t offer that commitment to accountability, look elsewhere.
  • Total Transparency. It’s always difficult to trust what you don’t fully understand. Today’s security industry offers more opportunities for full transparency than ever before. Thanks to technological innovation, guard activities are more easily verified. Reports can be delivered in real-time. Cameras and other devices can ensure that procedures are properly followed rather than ignored. This transparency helps to maximize accountability and build trust over time.
  • Reliable, Well-Trained Personnel. Of course, when you hire a security company, you need to have confidence in its personnel. In most instances, that means trusting the company’s owners to hire qualified personnel. You have little choice but to trust that the firm’s leaders have hired competent managers, well-trained guards, and reliable support staff. Of course, there’s no way to really know how well that firm has vetted its employees – or is there?

You should always check to ensure that your security company has reliable systems in place to vet its employees’ qualifications. Your best option, of course, is to find a company that actually trains its own guards. Those companies always have the most consistent service, since each of their security officers has received the exact same training – often from the same instructors. That’s the ideal way to ensure consistent security that achieves your project goals. It’s also the easiest way for you to trust that your security company knows the people it’s sending to meet your security needs.

Locating the Right Security Firm in New York City

Whether you’re protecting your home, apartment building, business, or event, you need the right security partner. To find that partner, you should focus on locating a security company with a verifiable reputation, competitive rates, and a commitment to preventing and deterring crimes. Just as important, that company should be fully dedicated to being transparent, accountable, and reliable in every way. In New York City, only one security firm has demonstrated a relentless commitment to meeting those criteria and earning your trust: International Security Services, Inc. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you with your security needs.

Picture of George Kozhar

George Kozhar

George Kozhar is a respected security professional, licensed private investigator, and founder of International Security Services (ISS) - New York City’s dedicated security experts since 1999. Mr. Kozhar and his team provide a full array of private and business investigative services in the U.S. and overseas, VIP executive protection, armed and unarmed security guard services and training, and Fire and Life Safety Director training through the company’s Fire Science Institute.

Ready to Become a Security Guard in New York State?

We want to invite you to take the first step in becoming a security guard in New York State. Fill out the pre-qualification form to verify your eligibility.
August 10th, 2022

Property Security Evaluation Report

Your Individualized Property Evaluation Report

Your site’s individualized property evaluation report contains information and analysis that you need to properly manage your site’s security needs. That information includes detailed analysis of the crime rate in your area, site access and parking protocols, and existing security infrastructure. Interior inspection includes analysis of emergency exits, fire suppression capabilities, and alarm infrastructure for emergencies. Exterior inspection includes analysis of structural defects, property lighting, and potential vulnerabilities in building access.

In addition to those inspections, our analysis also considered environmental factors, potential risks from older trees, outside property maintenance, and nearby crime that may overflow to the area. We also examined emergency response planning, including fire evacuation protocols and information supplied to residents about proper evacuation process.


Pressing Suggestions

We highly suggest a camera placement along this driveway, as the overhead cameras in the back parking lot may not capture all makes, models, and license plates of cars entering in and out based on the angle they are recording from. The best camera placement would be at the green circle closest to the sidewalk/street.
The common area is easily accessible, but based on the angle that cameras are set at the front lot, anyone can enter the basement common area concealing the side of their face that is facing the camera. This is not to say that the camera arrangement should be changed, but it is highly recommended to have coverage in this common area as the common area is on a lower floor not visible from the sidewalk.

However, a few fundamental problems exist when it comes to access control of the back parking (a big territory). Even though only two issues have ever occurred there, the wide-open access point to that lot may need to be corrected sooner than later as there is a significant uptick in crime in the 62nd precinct.

Furthermore, there are two fundamental surveillance blind spots along the driveway leading to the back parking lot and every common area.

Lastly, however unlikely it may seem, tenants should have resources and a physical guide for situations that may require an evacuation. Whether it be a flood or fire, each tenant should know how to use a fire extinguisher and where to evacuate to during a flood regardless of their proximity to a shoreline.

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