Security Guard Company in New York City

How a Security Guard Company in New York City Can Protect You from Pandemic-Driven Crime

The coronavirus pandemic has ravaged business communities across America, as most states have used a declared state of emergency to implement sweeping shutdowns of the private sector. One byproduct of the shutdown has been a noticeable decline in the overall crime rate, which has reportedly dropped by as much a 33 percent. Unfortunately, property crimes have been on the rise during that same period, as empty businesses and commercial properties present an inviting target for burglars and other criminals. If you are one of those business owners, it is important to understand how you can protect your business interests by relying on a security guard company in New York City.

A Virus Pandemic Fuels a Crime Epidemic

It is no secret that criminals almost always seek out soft targets that offer little resistance. Obviously, empty or shuttered commercial buildings are seen as easy targets. According to official estimates, the number of commercial business breakings has doubled since the city’s state of emergency began. Moreover, break-ins are up more than 100 percent when compared to the same period in 2019.  Grand larceny has risen by 58 percent, while burglaries have increased by as much as 37 percent. By any objective standard, that increase in property crimes should qualify as an epidemic too.

Sadly, it is all but impossible for the city’s police force to protect every business in New York. Even in the best of times, the NYPD can only respond to most crimes after they have occurred. For business owners, however, that response often comes too late and only after they have suffered financial loss. Given the increased risk many businesses now face, a better and more proactive solution is needed for any business owner who wants to protect his or her financial interests. That’s where a competent security guard company comes in.

A Security Guard Company in New York City Can Help Protect Your Business

A competent New York City security guard firm could be your best option for protecting your business. Even better, that protection can take many forms, including:

  • Armed or unarmed security personnel patrolling your work location
  • Increased security monitoring using state-of-the-art technology
  • Assistance with cyber-security, especially If your business is relying on e-commerce

It is also important to note that increased security is not just a concern for businesses that have been forced to shutter operations during the current crisis. Indeed, many of the stores that have remained open also face an increased risk of criminal activity. That heightened risk is likely to persist for many months or years, as the city and nation struggle to undo the economic damage and hardship these shutdowns have inflicted on our once-thriving economy.

Trust the Experts

The fact is that few of us ever expected to see such unprecedented times. As a result, very few companies were prepared to deal with these unprecedented security challenges. Fortunately, professional security firms can help. To learn more about how private security guards could help protect you from unforeseen business losses, contact International Security Services, Inc. today.

Picture of George Kozhar

George Kozhar

George Kozhar is a respected security professional, licensed private investigator, and founder of International Security Services (ISS) - New York City’s dedicated security experts since 1999. Mr. Kozhar and his team provide a full array of private and business investigative services in the U.S. and overseas, VIP executive protection, armed and unarmed security guard services and training, and Fire and Life Safety Director training through the company’s Fire Science Institute.

Ready to Become a Security Guard in New York State?

We want to invite you to take the first step in becoming a security guard in New York State. Fill out the pre-qualification form to verify your eligibility.
August 10th, 2022

Property Security Evaluation Report

Your Individualized Property Evaluation Report

Your site’s individualized property evaluation report contains information and analysis that you need to properly manage your site’s security needs. That information includes detailed analysis of the crime rate in your area, site access and parking protocols, and existing security infrastructure. Interior inspection includes analysis of emergency exits, fire suppression capabilities, and alarm infrastructure for emergencies. Exterior inspection includes analysis of structural defects, property lighting, and potential vulnerabilities in building access.

In addition to those inspections, our analysis also considered environmental factors, potential risks from older trees, outside property maintenance, and nearby crime that may overflow to the area. We also examined emergency response planning, including fire evacuation protocols and information supplied to residents about proper evacuation process.


Pressing Suggestions

We highly suggest a camera placement along this driveway, as the overhead cameras in the back parking lot may not capture all makes, models, and license plates of cars entering in and out based on the angle they are recording from. The best camera placement would be at the green circle closest to the sidewalk/street.
The common area is easily accessible, but based on the angle that cameras are set at the front lot, anyone can enter the basement common area concealing the side of their face that is facing the camera. This is not to say that the camera arrangement should be changed, but it is highly recommended to have coverage in this common area as the common area is on a lower floor not visible from the sidewalk.

However, a few fundamental problems exist when it comes to access control of the back parking (a big territory). Even though only two issues have ever occurred there, the wide-open access point to that lot may need to be corrected sooner than later as there is a significant uptick in crime in the 62nd precinct.

Furthermore, there are two fundamental surveillance blind spots along the driveway leading to the back parking lot and every common area.

Lastly, however unlikely it may seem, tenants should have resources and a physical guide for situations that may require an evacuation. Whether it be a flood or fire, each tenant should know how to use a fire extinguisher and where to evacuate to during a flood regardless of their proximity to a shoreline.

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