ISS fire science institute

F-89 Fire & Life Safety Director Qualification Requirements

Fire and Life Safety Director (FLSD) is an FDNY-licensed person qualified to train commercial and residential building occupants in proper emergency preparedness procedures. These emergencies were once largely confined to fires, but changes in the 2014 Fire Code added other non-fire-related emergencies as well. Today’s FLSDs are now required to be officially certified in the areas of medical emergencies and active shooters. International Security Services, Inc. (ISS) can provide you with the training and certification you need to meet New York City’s fire and life safety director qualification requirements.

What Is a New York City's Fire and Life Safety Director?

In New York City, all commercial offices, hotels, and other buildings with installed fire alarm systems that include two-way communication must be staffed with a qualified, certified Fire and Life Safety Director. These directors are required to receive designated training to obtain the needed Certificate of Fitness. This training will qualify directors to train fire safety personnel in the building, create and implement fire safety plans, including evacuation strategies, and perform all other fire and emergency-related duties.

F-89 Certification that Meets Your Training Needs

The ISS Fire Science Institute training program is organized to ensure that you receive the training needed to successfully obtain F-89 Fire and Life Safety Director certification. New York requires 31 hours of specified instruction, all of which are included within the Institute’s program. The course provides instruction to meet all required certification components, including:

  • Fire Safety instruction
  • Non-fire training
  • Active shooter and Medical Emergency response training

Applicants are required to attend all class sessions. Certification is granted to those who receive final exam scores of at least 70%. Certificates of Fitness are issued only to qualified candidates who complete the training, and valid only for the specific locations cited on the certificate.

F-89 Certification that Meets Your Training Needs

In addition to receiving proper certification through a FDNY-approved course, candidates must meet certain basic qualifications to serve as Fire and Life Safety Directors. Those qualifications are:

  • Candidates must have minimum three years full-time experience as a fire fighter, fire inspector or fire marshal, police officer, corrections officer, volunteer fire fighter, building maintenance personnel, property manager, building excavation supervisor (listed on building fire safety plan), floor warden with experience in fire brigade or emergency response team, construction site fire safety manager, or homeless shelter fire safety coordinator; or
  • Eighteen months full-time experience in those position, with a minimum of six months continuous experience at a single work site.

Being a security guard or fire guard is not enough to meet these qualification requirements.


How To Become a Fire and Life Safety Director in NYC

This FREE guide provides the step-by-step information you need to complete your fire and life safety training and receive your certification as a recognized Fire and Life Safety Director.

Questions About Whether You Meet NYC Fire and Life Safety Director Requirements?

If you need to obtain certification as a Fire and Life Safety Director but are unsure whether your experience qualifies you to become a candidate for certification training, we can help. Contact International Security Services, Inc. (ISS) today and we will help you determine whether you meet the fire and life safety director qualification requirements for participation in the ISS Fire Science Institute.

Download Our Free Guide and Learn How to Become a Fire & Life Safety Director in NYC

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August 10th, 2022

Property Security Evaluation Report

Your Individualized Property Evaluation Report

Your site’s individualized property evaluation report contains information and analysis that you need to properly manage your site’s security needs. That information includes detailed analysis of the crime rate in your area, site access and parking protocols, and existing security infrastructure. Interior inspection includes analysis of emergency exits, fire suppression capabilities, and alarm infrastructure for emergencies. Exterior inspection includes analysis of structural defects, property lighting, and potential vulnerabilities in building access.

In addition to those inspections, our analysis also considered environmental factors, potential risks from older trees, outside property maintenance, and nearby crime that may overflow to the area. We also examined emergency response planning, including fire evacuation protocols and information supplied to residents about proper evacuation process.


Pressing Suggestions

We highly suggest a camera placement along this driveway, as the overhead cameras in the back parking lot may not capture all makes, models, and license plates of cars entering in and out based on the angle they are recording from. The best camera placement would be at the green circle closest to the sidewalk/street.
The common area is easily accessible, but based on the angle that cameras are set at the front lot, anyone can enter the basement common area concealing the side of their face that is facing the camera. This is not to say that the camera arrangement should be changed, but it is highly recommended to have coverage in this common area as the common area is on a lower floor not visible from the sidewalk.

However, a few fundamental problems exist when it comes to access control of the back parking (a big territory). Even though only two issues have ever occurred there, the wide-open access point to that lot may need to be corrected sooner than later as there is a significant uptick in crime in the 62nd precinct.

Furthermore, there are two fundamental surveillance blind spots along the driveway leading to the back parking lot and every common area.

Lastly, however unlikely it may seem, tenants should have resources and a physical guide for situations that may require an evacuation. Whether it be a flood or fire, each tenant should know how to use a fire extinguisher and where to evacuate to during a flood regardless of their proximity to a shoreline.

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